We All Have Failed When A War Starts.

Welcome to my Blog, Conscientious Objector, named after my recently published memoir: “Conscientious Objector – A Journey of Peace, Justice, Culture, and Environment.” I plan to post commentary biweekly or when events occur that I feel compelled to address. As the subtitle of my memoir suggests, my focus will be topics related to peace and war, social justice, culture, and the environment. Yes, that list covers a lot of ground, but these topics are interrelated and worthy of evaluation.

For example, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a war to destabilize peace in Europe and disrupt global alliances, destroy and assimilate Ukrainian culture, and obtain valuable natural resources including a strategic environmental and economic advantage in the Black Sea. These issues are inseparable. The documented war crimes, crimes against humanity, and the many examples of genocide committed by the Russian military are horrific and require justice for the Ukrainians and all freedom-loving, peaceful people. The perpetrators must be held accountable for their unprovoked terrorism and brutality. President Vladimir Putin and his government have lost their compassion for others, which has led to violence and death. Without compassion, how can one distinguish between what is right and what is wrong?

We are all children of the same Universe and must learn to love and understand one another without starting wars that threaten to destroy humankind and the planet if we are not mindful of the delicate balance and interrelatedness of our global environment and cultural networks. Once war has begun, no one has control and no one knows the outcome. Wars are harmful to all involved, and beyond. The horrific images from Ukraine serve as a witness to the incalculable carnage on both sides and the overwhelming damage to culture and environment, with no apparent end in sight.

We all have failed when a war starts. How to resolve the current war in Ukraine and other conflicts in the world, and how to prevent future wars are fundamental challenges to humanity. We are compelled to focus on that which is right, a primal force we all understand, by respecting each other and by cooperating toward an equitable, peaceful, and sustainable future. We can, we must do this.

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